
May 16, 2023



What is it like to work with me? I asked my former colleagues and clients. Feel free to contact any of my coworkers, clients or companies I worked for to get an independent referral.


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May 16, 2023


What is it like to work with me? I asked my former colleagues and clients. Feel free to contact any of my coworkers, clients or companies I worked for to get an independent referral.

Lukáš Pitter — Co-founder, Designer & Strategist at 2FRESH

“I don't want you to leave us. You know most of us when it comes to research. Over the years, you've quickly become a person who could be a leader. You give me the impression that you care about the people around you and the project as a whole. Many people don't, they're only interested in their little piece of work.” ~ Lukáš Pitter, LinkedIn profile Context: I worked for clients at 2FRESH and internally for the 2FRESH UX team. I took on responsibilities beyond my normal duties, eventually leading to my co-leading the UX team.

Tomáš Haimann — Head of Design at Etnetera Flow

“Kateřina is a great researcher and an amazing person. She is always professional, living up to her promises, humble, ever curious and able to read the sweet sap between the lines when doing research. You definitely want her in your team, so recruiters, don't miss this opportunity!” ~ Tomáš Haimann, LinkedIn profile Context: I explored the needs and specifics of electric car users and tested the prototypes of the MyŠKODA app in 2020 and 2021 for Tomáš who led the design team at ŠKODA AUTO while I still worked at 2FRESH studio.)

Marcello Pirovano – Design Manager at AccentureSong, working for Skoda

“It was a pleasure to collaborate with you. I hope we'll have another chance to! All the best for the next steps!” ~ Marcello Pirovano, LinkedIn profile Context: Marcello leads a design system team and is the main stakeholder of this team for the quarterly research planning. We consulted – together with fellow researchers at Skoda – on the right methodology and approach for their non-typical research requests. I also supervised several research projects conducted by an external agency for this team.

Ondrej Novak – Product Management Consultant at Accenture, working for Skoda

“I hope your successor will be as structured and easy-to-talk as you.” ~ Ondrej Novak, LinkedIn profile Context: Ondrej, as Marcello’s support, coordinated daily tasks during the research projects and the research planning process, and communicated on behalf of the design system team.

Denis Talár – Interaction Designer at Lighting Beetle*, working for Skoda

“Thank you for being such an inspiration on how to lead meetings and organize one's work ☺️” ~ Denis Talár, LinkedIn profile Context: Denis prepared most outputs, incl. prototypes for a research project I supervised.

Kryštof Kolesa — Senior UX Designer at Accenture, working for Skoda

“You are the best ... thank you so much for a great collaboration!” ~ Kryštof Kolesa, LinkedIn profile Context: Kryštof formulated research goals and created prototypes for a few research projects I supervised. He also attended the quarterly research planning workshops I organised.

Julia Krayevska — UX Designer / Researcher at Lighting Beetle*, working for Skoda

Context: The excerpt below was originally a chat in Slovak/Czech language I had with Julia after she conducted several research projects for Skoda as an external UX researcher. I supervised them and was responsible for establishing cooperation between the Skoda product teams and the external research studio at the beginning of the projects. I asked her what my skills and experience were. (I love receiving such structured feedback 🤓 Many thanks!)

  1. “Organisational skills: You know how to grasp the project's scope and summarise a lot of information simply. You can grab everything important for the project and put it in one place. For example, I was adding invitations to the calendar for testing, and I forgot who to invite, so I opened your figjam and found it immediately. It saved my time, and everyone else's too. Same with the timeline - I had it on hand. You just know how to organise everything so that whoever is doing the testing spends less time on things outside the testing.
  2. Facilitating: Every meeting is under your thumb. You always have an overview of what the meeting will be about, and you inform about it in advance. It helps a lot if I can read the agenda in advance. You're on time, it's not often we get stuck on something and miss other things. Also overall, structuring the meetings. Especially the kick-off. You provide a space for introductions, make sure you understand each role properly (which may sound like a small thing, but it's not). At the end of the meeting you summarise the CTAs and where we are.
  3. It's apparent that you have knowledge of other projects and you have experience in research. Just by the way you approach creating a screener or hypotheses.
  4. I don't know how to call it anything other than a good vibe :) I mean that you don't stress, and on the contrary, you act calming. You know how to break down a difficult task into several less difficult ones, and you approach things with a cool head. This is a very important thing in my opinion, although I put it last. I think it's a soft skill that you don't just learn in a course, so you definitely have to make this a part of your CV somehow :)
  5. Oh, and I would also add "detail-oriented". For example, it was evident in the screener when you annotated it for me. Judging by myself, it's pretty hard not to lose detail orientation when you're dealing with many projects at once.” ~ Julia Krayevska, LinkedIn profile

Want to chat? Get in touch.

Let’s grab a coffee and go for a walk – Santa Cruz, Ericeira and Lisbon (Portugal) or Prague (Czechia). I am open to travelling in Europe. You can also message me (via LinkedIn or email me). Built using Notion & Super by Katerina Hanzalova.